Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Five Tips for August Renewal

From: Pamela McLean

1. Make a list of activities you loved when you were under the age of 25, post your list in a visible place for a few days -- then pick one activity to resurrect and try it on for the month.

2. Take a mini-vacation that requires only a little planning -- make it within driving distance of home and somewhere you haven't been.

3. Take a day long silent retreat in you home -- no email, no phones, no television, just YOU.

4. Scan 2008, looking back and looking at the months ahead -- create two columns on a blank page -- one side for what's working and the other for what needs adjusting -- brainstorm on ways to make small adjustments.

5. Make time for dreaming big dreams without any requirements to act on them --- just allow a bit of space to wander in unknown territory! Who knows where you might lead yourself!

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