Sunday, December 7, 2008

From Lynne Gilliland: 10 Things to Do to Increase Your Happiness

1. Friends: Spend time with your friends. Get friends if you are low on them.

2. Good health: Take action to stay as healthy as possible .

3. Socializing: Spend time being with people in a nonwork setting.

4. Experiential activities: Travel, exercise. Doing something new makes us happier (tango? scuba diving? cross country bike ride?)

5. Having a job we really like makes us happier than a big paycheck: Consider what is within your realm of responsibility to make your job one you really like. You can change your job, you can change your attitude, you can change how you work with people at your job.

6. Spend time in nature every day.

7. Express your gratitude and respect for the things you experience: Being thankful makes you happy.

8. Take time out: The ability to pause, mentally as well as physically, is important. Taking breaks is a prerequisite for happiness.

9. Accept that there will be unpleasant things in life: At some point every day, you will face hinderances. You'll be late, make a mistake, say something stupid, be less than perfect. This is part of life. Accept it and move on.

10. Open your eyes and look around you. There are more opportunities for happiness than you think. Embrace the moments. Enjoy them. Remember them.

Happiness is a practice. Get started.

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