Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Resilience for Leaders workshop

What do I mean, "for leaders?"
I assume a unique definition of leadership: A leader is someone who says to themselves "I am going to be the one to take responsibility to make sure things around me go well for everyone." So it could easily mean you, and everyone you work with!

What do I mean by Resilience?
Resilience is the quality that allows us to be our best self, even in situations that are not to our liking. How can leaders and other "stressed-out" professionals prepare themselves to demonstrate grace under fire?

Resilient people have many traits and habits.
...the capacity to access spontaneity and creativity to address problems, positive interpretations in thought and conversation, internal grounding and fullness, the capacity to find and use social support, and so on. The cultivation of these habits and capacities also enhances the quality of individual and organizational life.

Call to set up a workshop in your workplace: 202 550 5462
In this first session, we will begin the journey toward a resilient workplace! We will explore our own stories of resilience, offer support to peers, set or reaffirm personal goals for the ongoing cultivation of resilience, and use action methods to work with a couple of stories.

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